72. COVID-19 Brought out the pickaninny in me

Black hair. A trial at all times. In the time of COVID-19 self-isolation there is really no point in doing the daily wrestle to coax, cajole, tug, and harangue it into something somewhat respectable.

On the other hand, having untended nappy hair is not a pleasant feeling, even if you are the only one looking at yourself.

I have reverted to the simple childhood practice of braiding my hair.

My son took one look, did a double take, and the child who does his best to ignore me and pretend I am invisible was mesmerized. How did you do that??? I realized then that this is a very popular gangster/rapper look. It is a vintage black look that is completely out of reach for my sweet son with his silky corkscrew ringlets.

I was shocked that for his entire life (23 years), and probably longer, I have been so committed to hair-that-is-acceptable-to-white-folk, that I have never (never!!! NEVER!!!) relaxed into this simple easy braiding.

An out-of-the-blue Aha! moment.