The legislative bill that will magically unlock the extra government spending to support we Canadians who are now unexpectedly out of work and are fretting about our bills and our futures, has fallen victim to politicking.
I am boiling mad. I hope people who really count and whose voices really count are boiling mad as well. This is a situation where I expect all parties to swallow all the bitter pills they have to swallow and just get it done.
It is especially infuriating knowing that none of the politicians who are making these decisions will be particularly inconvenienced about covering THEIR rent or their mortgages. They are still on payroll, they have high salaries, savings, trust funds, wealthy families and friends.
C’mon boys. Figure this out or we will figure away to social distance while RIOTING in the streets.
What have we got to lose?
Later: I walked by parliament last night. I saw the lights on. I sent them good vibes. Looks like it worked as they reached a deal while I was sleeping.