64. cOVID-19 Self-isolation Day 8 -next up?

8 days and this is feeling very much like my new normal. That didn’t take long. But Adaptability has always been a strength. And as age has mellowed and stewed me, I now adapt without the drama and grumpiness of my youth. I finally understand I can’t fight what is.

I wonder what will be different post pandemic?

Will all those managers who are unreasonably reluctant to let their staff work from home finally see productivity can be great even when they’re employees are not chained to their little cubicles?

My singing lesson is moving online. Is this something that will work? Can’t wait to find out.

What about restaurants? Will people go back to eating in restaurants? It used to be my favourite thing to do. But so is cooking and now I have time to perfect recipes for busy times.

What about sleep? Everyone who has been sent home who doesn’t have family responsibilities is now experiencing what it’s like to sleep in on a regular basis and not be sleep deprived. I wonder if this experience is going to fundamentally change what people are prepared to do for their employers? The research is in that sleep is important for health and happiness and longevity, yet most people drag themselves through the day on caffeine and will power. It’s a heady feeling when you’re not tired.