I was so excited to get home to post this. There is an X in the sky!!!!! Who put that there?? There were municipal elections in Ontario this week. The sky was imitating the ballot box. Put your X here.
Changing topics. I am SUCH a feminist. I went through all the phases. Oblivious and entitled, scornful and dismissive, neglectful, and then finally, Oh my God. I am a staunch feminist. (Ages 15-50).
I am watching Perry Mason on TV and there is a scene in a radio studio. On air, one announcer says about a woman “You should put a bag over her head”. I am certain the other announcer will erupt in outrage. Instead of so doing, they said, “One bag? I think she needs two”.
This happened in my lifetime. #MeToo is not much ado about nothing.
I just rebranded my company logo. It uses a colour I call “Fuck you pink”. Yes I am a girl. Yes I like pink. And yes, I am fantastic at what I do. All these things are true.
When I saw the X in the sky I was giddy with excitement. Giddy.