26. Liquid Nitrogen

Liquid nitrogen is nitrogen in a liquid state at an extremely low temperature. It is a colourless clear liquid with a density of 0.807 g/ml at its boiling point (−195.79 °C (77 K; −320 °F)) and a dielectric constant of 1.43.

That is pretty cold.

I was at the Atelier (Chef Marc Lepine) book launch this evening, where he demonstrated how to roll a ballon around in liquid nitrogen to make a beautiful sphere of heavenly deliciousness. We didn’t get to taste it, but it must have been heavenly. After all, we are talking about the Chef of Atelier. One of the best restaurants in the world, right here in Ottawa.

Later. Jan 5, 2019. After a December dinner at Atelier, I am saddened to report that it was not heavenly. And the bill was over $650 CAD for 2 people. I am still feeling ripped off and taking it quite personally. When one has a save-up-all-year-and-live-in-high-voltage-excited-anticipation-for-an-opulent-treat kind of restaurant, there should be some excitement in the 12 courses. If they had a money-back guarantee I would be lining up for my refund right now. The expensive disappointment is making me simultaneously angry and sick. Ah well. It’s done. Breathing in slowly…

The cloud formation on the right is reminiscent of a balloon covered in liquid nitrogen. I should know, I just saw one.

The cloud formation on the right is reminiscent of a balloon covered in liquid nitrogen. I should know, I just saw one.