102. COVID-19 Listen carefully

People are hesitant to take the AstraZenica vaccine. They don’t appreciate the possible side effect of severe blood clotting and possible death.

Politicians and some medical officials are frantic, because they need to get us all vaccinated. So they say “Take it. It saves lives. Guaranteed.” What this wording doesn’t say is that this means it may save someone else’s life (as they won’t get COVID19 from you) but it might not save YOUR life.

Listen carefully. They don’t say “Take it. It will save your life. Guaranteed.”

Why not wait for the vaccine that will save everyone’s life? We don’t know. I suspect, because there’s not enough to go around. Because the government doesn’t want to take a contractual hit from AZ. Business and altruism seldom collide.

Some medical officials are now speaking out. If you can wait, wait for the good stuff (Moderna, Pfizer). You know, the one that doesn’t kill anyone.


Who knows what we will find out down the road.

We are literally in desperate times!