69. COVID-19 Self-Isolation Day X plus tooooo many

I hope this isn’t going to turn into a blog about depression, because that would be just depressing. And I already did a depression blog - that’s so yesterday. Nonetheless, day 24 of self-isolation and I fear my apathy and lethargy (in light of and despite pressing work deadlines), combined with my incredible desire to sleep, all the time, might be depression. Okay, time to up the meds.

I realize I blog when I am down, because it helps.

But the good news is self-isolation (due to a plague of dead people - can plague be a verb, I wonder?) is not all bad. After the first flurry of social media “connecting” with my friends, it is getting easier to spend time alone, which I can confirm is my preference. My friends, they are work. I am rested (yet tired), and the break from trying to manage them, dodge them, space them out, is restful.

Even being at home all the time there are weird moments. We celebrated my son’s birthday, I made a cake for the first time in about 20 years (GREAT cake with peanut butter icing), and (the weird part), I had to decide whether I needed to save the birthday candles. Will we still be quarantined by the next birthday in September? Either way, will candles be available (what will my fellow citizens decide to hoard? candles? perhaps)?

I wish I could go to the garden store to buy a plant for my planter. Finally I have time to tend to it and watch it grow. But garden stores were legislated to shut down before I made it there. Weird. I won’t take it personally.

Our Premier (Ford) continues to be an alarming disappointment every time he opens his mouth. Which he is now compelled to do several times a day. Under the guise of ‘transparency’ he is oversharing, including poking the Americans in the eye, publicly, when they are the ones who have to power to release millions of protective masks to us, and thanks to him, he has made it harder as they now have to find a way to do it AND save face. Another politician whose stupidity will cost lives.

Yet apparently people love him, because he took a drive and had a photo op delivering masks to a hospital. Really? He rolled up his sleeves for the camera and we are impressed. God God Canadians are so gullible. So unsophisticated.

My goodness, I am in quite a right state. Meds and booze. Meds and booze.