Like wafts of clouds meandering past, I am having a good day. I had one goal - leave the house. Sometimes my goal is to leave the house every day.
Doubtful I will get out, yet still a good day. I read all day. Fiction. For fun. Delicious Swedish brooding crime novel starring my favourite (anti?) hero Wallander. Where all the characters have names that begin with H. Hakansson. Hansson. Hokberg. Hoglund. You can’t make this stuff up!
Around 10 I thought I would make pita chips, to have them ready to make a guacamole later on. Fresh avocados - the calling card of summer. Yummm. I turned on the oven, and 20 minutes later I thought the house was burning down.
For the last 6 hours I have been alternating between checking in with the murder investigation situation in Ystad, and scrubbing out my oven; the glass (ewww, sticky), a rack, a pan, back to the glass (ewww, sticky).
I stumbled upon a highly relaxing and satisfying project for today.
Perhaps I will even be able to make pita chips before bedtime!
Do you see the duck? Clean oven - perhaps Duck a l’orange?!
I had to look up “how many toes do ducks have?”. Blogging is more complicated than it looks. Quack