I have delivered training courses all over the world, hundreds and hundreds of times, in all kinds of conditions. Big rooms, small rooms, hot rooms, cold rooms, smelly rooms. Which brings to mind the group in Iqaluit where the enormous platter (enormous!) of raw caribou started to go warm right under my nose - and I was too worried about being politically insensitive or offensive to move it to a side table. Warm raw meat ripening. I will never forget that experience. The shiver of shock when I realized what was making that smell and how I was trapped for an afternoon with that as an aroma.
I digress. Today’s group? First it started with the training room only accessible by walking around the boards of an indoor hockey rink. The rink and the training room were freezing cold. For a full day myself and participants wore our heavy parkas. Indoors.
15 minutes into the session. THWACK. A start and a jump. THWACK. A puck, a puck hitting the board and reverberating off the walls of our adjoining training room.
Game on.