I was debating whether this blog should try and be as current as possible, or whether time-shifting would be better. While I love my sky, it produces days like this.
When it hazes over in early September, it’s hard to be grateful for an abundance of water. Even when worrying about the terrible fires raging in Western Canada - places desperate for rain.
When it hazes over in early September, and the temperature drops, and there is that crisp feel of the air, it is a not a reminder, but rather a premonition of Fall (that’s okay - so beautiful), that is always too quickly followed by (brrrr) winter. Winter. Where survival depends on deep justification - it’s cold but…
This blog will time-shift. One can only abide a few reminders of this type of sky.
And to add insult to injury, there are some buildings I wish I could airbrush out of our Canadian landscape for real. Place du Portage (left in photo), was built starting 45 years ago starting with Phase I (sadly, we are up to 4 phases now). It falls firmly into the ‘what were they thinking?!’ category. On some days just looking at it is actually literally physically painful. If it looks bleak outside; that is nothing compared to the experience of being inside this grim building complex. Danger: This is not a tourist attraction! Enter at your own risk.