I have been listening to CBC Radio One Ottawa since forever. I heard it turns 50 this Friday. Well done.
It has been hard to be loyal.
While I am in love with many of the talented hosts, they are under fire.
CBC made massive cuts many moons ago and now replay the same story over and over. In the same day. And then in the same week. And I suffer.
When CBC management turned a blind eye to Jain Ghomeschi’s reprehensible behaviour, I suffered.
And now the news content is depressing and irrelevant.
As darkness descends during mid-afternoon, and people become surly and depressed, CBC is on rotation 1-2-3. Topic 1: Forced sterilization of First Nations women. Topic 2: Discrimination of black ballet dancers. Topic 3: The fight against female genital mutilation. Really? They have the entire world and universe of news and this is the best they can do?
I ask myself, to what end? This news does not entertain. This may inform, but we, the CBC listeners are not equipped to right any of these wrongs. And consequently, I hate to say this - we don’t care.
I mean we care. Of course we do. But we don’t care for the all day 1-2-3 rotational immersion into the world of discrimination and harm against women.
And what about men? Why don’t we talk about them? Oh right, there was the piece tonight about the male lawyer who brought his ass to court. It was funny. And then they reverted to rotation 1-2-3.
That’s it. I am going to find a radio station that airs more stories about barnyard animals.
With Apps, podcasts, Twitter, Reddit, etc., I will know everything I need to know. And the truth is, everything I really need to know is on Netflix.
I can’t post a picture of the sky right now. I am too mad. Or maybe I am just too old, wanting radio to be my lifeline to the rest of Canada.
On the bright side, I will be able to choose my stories, I will choose interesting and happy stories, and I will be happier.
Maybe even ecstatic.